This type of trails was called metsuke-tachiai-ginmi . これを目付立会吟味(めつけたちあいぎんみ)という。
Aigi ' (garment worn over an under-garment ) worn under kaidori was stipulated to be a ' dark color ' (thick red close to purple ) for the aged and those younger 28-years old and those who are 29-years old to those under 40 shall wear scarlet crepe , and those on and over 40-years old shall be wear white habutae , a thin , soft , durable japanese silk . 掻取の下に着用する「間着(あいぎ)」は28歳までは「濃色」(紫に近い濃い紅とされる)、29歳から40歳までは紅縮緬、40歳以上は白羽二重と規定されていた。