- あいそわらい
insincere or ingratiating smile
- あい あい 藍 indigo 愛 love 合い joint associate accomplice 相 together mutually fellow
- いそ いそ 磯 beach shore seashore
- わら わら 藁 straw
- らい らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
- い い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
- あいそ あいそ 哀訴 appeal complaint 愛想 civility courtesy compliments sociability graces
- わらい わらい 笑い laugh laughter smile
- あいそ あいそ 哀訴 appeal complaint 愛想 civility courtesy compliments sociability graces
- わらい わらい 笑い laugh laughter smile
- あいそう あいそう 愛想 civility courtesy compliments sociability graces
- あいそく あいそく 愛息 (your) beloved son cute boy
- あいそん あいそん 愛孫 one's beloved grandchild
- おあいそ 1. bill 2. check
- おあいそう 1. bill 2. check
- ぶあいそ ぶあいそ 無愛想 unsociability bluntness