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  • He'll be killed by his reckless driving, as sure as eggs is eggs.
  • あい     あい 藍 indigo 愛 love 合い joint associate accomplice 相 together mutually fellow
  • いつ     いつ 何時 when how soon 佚 be lost peace hide mistake beautiful in turn
  • こう     こう 校 -school proof 候 season weather 腔 body cavity 凰 female phoenix bird 斯う
  • 運転     運転 うんてん operation motion driving
  • しと     しと 使途 purpose for which money is spent the way money is spent 使徒 apostle
  • とる     とる 取る to take to pick up to harvest to earn to choose 撮る to take (a photo) to
  • さか     さか 茶菓 tea and cakes or sweets refreshments 坂 slope hill
  • かい     かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
  • いそ     いそ 磯 beach shore seashore
  • その     その 園 えん
  • のう     のう 能 talent gift function Noh play 農 farming agriculture 脳 brain memory
  • うち     うち 内 中 裡 inside 家 house (one's own)
  • 死に     death《囲碁》
  • よる     よる 拠る to be due to to be caused by 夜 evening night 選る to choose to select 因る
  • 絶対     絶対 ぜったい absolute unconditional absoluteness
  •      対 つい pair couple set たい ratio versus against opposition
  • あいつ     あいつ 彼奴 he she that guy
  • いつは     いつは 一は for one thing partly
  • 向こう     向こう むこう beyond over there opposite direction the other party
  • さかい     さかい 境 border boundary mental state
  • かいそ     かいそ 改組 reorganization 開祖 (sect) founder apostle originator inventor 解組
  • そのう     そのう 村翁 village elder
  • のうち     のうち 農地 agricultural land
  • による     による 似寄る to resemble by means of due to because of according to
  • そのうち     そのうち その内 eventually sooner or later of the previously mentioned
  • 向こう見ず     向こう見ず むこうみず recklessness
  • 向こう見ずな     【形】 1. Icarian 2. adventurous 3. audacious 4. brash 5. devil-may-care 6.
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