- Unfortunately, my schedule is too tight to fit in the meeting next week.
- あい あい 藍 indigo 愛 love 合い joint associate accomplice 相 together mutually fellow
- にく にく 肉 meat
- 来週 来週 らいしゅう next week
- 予定 予定 よてい plans arrangement schedule program expectation estimate
- しり しり 尻 buttocks bottom 私利 personal profit self interest
- おり おり 檻 cage pen jail cell 折 chance suitable time 織り 織 weave weaving woven item
- まし まし 増し extra additional less objectionable better preferable
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- その その 園 えん
- 会議 会議 かいぎ meeting conference session assembly council convention congress
- 入れ 入れ いれ container receptacle
- 都合 都合 つごう circumstances condition convenience
- つき つき 付き attached to impression sociality appearance furnished with under to 突き a
- ており ており 手織り 手織 handwoven handspun weaving by hand
- まして まして 況して still more still less (with neg. verb) to say nothing of not to
- 入れる 入れる いれる to put in to take in to bring in to let in to admit to introduce to
- あいにく あいにく 生憎 合憎 unfortunately Sorry, but.... 愛憎 likes and dislikes
- ぎっしり ぎっしり tightly fully