She's in danger if the interval is greater than 10 hours . 次は何時に? 10時間 間隔があくと➡
" akuto " generally refers to a person who disturbs the order of society , or a group of people who commit wrongdoing , but in japanese history , it refers to a person or class rebelling against the existing system in the middle ages . 悪党(あくとう)とは、一般的に社会の秩序を乱す者ないし悪事をなす集団などを意味する用語であるが、日本の歴史においては中世に既存支配体系へ対抗した者・階層を悪党と呼んでいる。
They are issunboshi , sunekotanpako , akuto taro (akuto means heel ), mamesuke (thumb ), yubitaro (name that describes where he was born ), mameichi , goburato (jiro ) (a name that describes that he is small ), sanmontake , issunkotaro , tanishi (mud snail ), katatsumuri (snail ), kaeru (frog ), koropokkuru (small people in ainu folklore ) kamui of ainu , kijimuna , kenmun , and on the point of being very small at birth , momotaro , uriko hime (princess uriko ) and kaguya hime (princess kaguya ) are also related . 一寸法師、すねこたんぱこ、あくと太郎(あくとは踵)、豆助(親指)、指太郎(生まれた場所を表す名。)、豆一、五分太郎(次郎)(小さいことを表す名。)、三文丈、一寸小太郎、タニシ、カタツムリ、かえる、アイヌのコロポックルカムイ、キジムナー、ケンムンなど、誕生の際異常に小さい点では桃太郎、瓜子姫、かぐや姫も類縁関係である。
They are issunboshi , sunekotanpako , akuto taro (akuto means heel ), mamesuke (thumb ), yubitaro (name that describes where he was born ), mameichi , goburato (jiro ) (a name that describes that he is small ), sanmontake , issunkotaro , tanishi (mud snail ), katatsumuri (snail ), kaeru (frog ), koropokkuru (small people in ainu folklore ) kamui of ainu , kijimuna , kenmun , and on the point of being very small at birth , momotaro , uriko hime (princess uriko ) and kaguya hime (princess kaguya ) are also related . 一寸法師、すねこたんぱこ、あくと太郎(あくとは踵)、豆助(親指)、指太郎(生まれた場所を表す名。)、豆一、五分太郎(次郎)(小さいことを表す名。)、三文丈、一寸小太郎、タニシ、カタツムリ、かえる、アイヌのコロポックルカムイ、キジムナー、ケンムンなど、誕生の際異常に小さい点では桃太郎、瓜子姫、かぐや姫も類縁関係である。