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  • stand out
  • あく     あく 悪 evil wickedness 灰汁 lye harsh taste 灰 puckery juice 開く 明く 空く to open to
  • くま     くま 熊 bear (animal)
  • まで     まで 迄 until till doing as far as
  • 張る     張る はる to stick to paste to put to affix to stretch to spread to strain to
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • あくま     あくま 悪魔 devil demon fiend Satan evil spirit
  • くまで     くまで 熊手 rake fork bamboo rake
  • 頑張る     頑張る がんばる to persist to insist on to stand firm to try one's best
  • あくまで     あくまで 飽く迄 飽くまで to the end to the last stubbornly persistently
  • あくまでも頑張る    hang tough
  • 最後まで頑張る 1    1. go the (full [entire, whole]) distance 2. hang in to the end 3. hang on to the last 4. hold on to the last 5. keep [hold] one's end up 6. keep [hold] up one's end 7. keep it up 8. stand it out 9.
  • とことんまで頑張る    hang right in there to the bitter end
  • 飽くまでも頑張る    persist to the bitter end
  • 全力で頑張る    hang on with all one's might
  • 必死で頑張る    1. bust [break] one's ass〈米俗?卑〉 2. bust one's tail [conk, guts, hump] 3. make desperate efforts
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