- あご あご 顎 chin 齶 jaw
- かす かす 貸す to lend 課す to impose 化す to change into to convert to to transform to be
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 動かす 動かす うごかす to move to shift to set in motion to operate to inspire to rouse to
- ふいごを動かす blow a bellows
- 口を動かす move one's gums
- 唇を動かす move one's lips
- 国を動かす 1. run a country 2. steer the nation
- 尻を動かす fan one's ass〈卑〉
- 心を動かす 心を動かす こころをうごかす to impress to move one's heart to touch (a person's heart)
- 手を動かす make a motion with one's hand
- 本を動かす shift the books
- 机を動かす 机を動かす つくえをうごかす to move (shift) a desk
- 筆を動かす make a brush stroke
- 腕を動かす move one's arm
- Well , just move your jaw around . move it around .