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"あざみ"の例文"あざみ" 意味"あざみ" 中国語の意味


  • あざみ

  • あざ     あざ 痣 黶 birthmark nevus bruise 字 section of village
  •      み 巳 sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast,
  • あざみうま類    あざみうま類 Thysanoptera[医生]
  • あざみ勲爵士    Knight of the Thistle
  • あざみ起毛機    あざみ起毛機 teaser raising machine[機械]; teazel raising machine[化学]
  • あざ    あざ 痣 黶 birthmark nevus bruise 字 section of village
  • ―きざみ     ―きざみ [―刻み] ?→分刻みのスケジュール きざみ [刻み] n. (?きざみめ ) ?→刻みタバコ
  • かざみ    かざみ 風見 weather vane
  • きざみ    きざみ 刻み shredded tobacco notch nick
  • かざみ(どり)     かざみ(どり) [風見(鶏)] weathercock 【C】 (通例ニワトリの形をした)風見;風向計; [比喩的に] 風見鶏, 移り気な人, お天気屋∥ (as) changeable as a weathercock 風見のようにくるくる向きが変る;移り気の vane 【C】 風見, 風向計(weather vane).
  • かざみどり    かざみどり 風見鶏 weather vane opportunist
  • きざみあし    きざみあし 刻み足 刻足 mincing steps
  • きざみだす    きざみだす 刻み出す to carve out
  • きざみち    きざみち 刻み値 increment step value
  • きざみに    きざみに 刻みに in steps of in units of calculated by


  • " kosode soga azami no ironui " is a program of kabuki (traditional performing act ).
    『小袖曾我薊色縫』(こそで そが あざみの いろぬい)は歌舞伎の演目。
  • " kosode soga azami no ironui " is a program of kabuki (traditional performing act ).
    『小袖曾我薊色縫』(こそで そが あざみの いろぬい)は歌舞伎の演目。
  • These days , the story of seikichi and his courtesan izayoi is extracted and performed under the title of " satomoyo azami no ironui ."
    今日では清吉とその情婦・十六夜にかかわる部分のみが『花街模様薊色縫』(さともよう あざみの いろぬい)の外題で上演されている。
  • These days , the story of seikichi and his courtesan izayoi is extracted and performed under the title of " satomoyo azami no ironui ."
    今日では清吉とその情婦・十六夜にかかわる部分のみが『花街模様薊色縫』(さともよう あざみの いろぬい)の外題で上演されている。
  • There are some exceptions such as ' gangster oniazami ' that does not have a punch line (and others that have been transplanted from the telling of war stories ).
  • Besides , he kills genba and his younger sister azami , members of the gang , and deceives others into believing that they are yajuro and his wife , and then orders yajuro to kill daigakunosure to avenge the death of his older brother .
  • Although originally there were not story tellers of ninjo-banashi in kamigata rakugo , they have ninjo-banashi such as " abura (oil )" , " oniazami gangster " , " parting with son " , " grain broker zakohachi " , " shijimi clam vendor " , " long live the earthen bridge !" , and kamigata rakugo storytellers are actively transferring ninjo-banashi of tokyo recently .
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