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" kosode soga azami no ironui " is a program of kabuki (traditional performing act ). 『小袖曾我薊色縫』(こそで そが あざみの いろぬい)は歌舞伎の演目。
" kosode soga azami no ironui " is a program of kabuki (traditional performing act ). 『小袖曾我薊色縫』(こそで そが あざみの いろぬい)は歌舞伎の演目。
These days , the story of seikichi and his courtesan izayoi is extracted and performed under the title of " satomoyo azami no ironui ." 今日では清吉とその情婦・十六夜にかかわる部分のみが『花街模様薊色縫』(さともよう あざみの いろぬい)の外題で上演されている。
These days , the story of seikichi and his courtesan izayoi is extracted and performed under the title of " satomoyo azami no ironui ." 今日では清吉とその情婦・十六夜にかかわる部分のみが『花街模様薊色縫』(さともよう あざみの いろぬい)の外題で上演されている。
There are some exceptions such as ' gangster oniazami ' that does not have a punch line (and others that have been transplanted from the telling of war stories ). ただし、「鬼あざみ」のように例外的にサゲがつかないネタもある(講釈から移植されたものなど)。
Besides , he kills genba and his younger sister azami , members of the gang , and deceives others into believing that they are yajuro and his wife , and then orders yajuro to kill daigakunosure to avenge the death of his older brother . さらに一味の玄番と妹のあざみを討ち、表向きは弥十郎夫婦手打ちと世間を欺き兄の敵大学之助を討つように命じる。
Although originally there were not story tellers of ninjo-banashi in kamigata rakugo , they have ninjo-banashi such as " abura (oil )" , " oniazami gangster " , " parting with son " , " grain broker zakohachi " , " shijimi clam vendor " , " long live the earthen bridge !" , and kamigata rakugo storytellers are actively transferring ninjo-banashi of tokyo recently . 本来上方落語には人情噺を演じ手がいなかったが、上方には『油』、『鬼あざみ』、『子別れ』、『ざこ八』、『しじみ売り』、『土橋万歳』などの人情噺が伝わっており、近年では上方落語家が東京の人情噺を積極的に移植している。