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"あつかわ"の例文"あつかわ" 意味


  • あつかわ
    thick hide
  • あつ     あつ 斡 go around rule administer
  • つか     つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
  • かわ     かわ 皮 skin hide leather fur pelt bark shell 河 river stream 側 side row
  •      わ 環 circle ring link wheel hoop loop 輪 ring hoop circle 羽 counter for birds
  • あつかわないしな    あつかわないしな 扱わない品 goods not in one's line
  • あつかい    あつかい 扱い treatment service
  • あつかう    あつかう 扱う to handle to deal with to treat
  • あつかん    あつかん 熱燗 hot sake
  • にあつかい    にあつかい 荷扱い handling of freight
  • ゆあつかん    ゆあつかん 油圧管 oil pressure duct
  • あつかいかた    あつかいかた 扱い方 way with (an animal) how to handle
  • あつかましい    あつかましい 厚かましい impudent shameless brazen
  • あつかましさ    1. boldness〔 【形】 bold〕 2. crust
  • きんあつかん    きんあつかん 均圧管(発電機) equalizeing ring
  • たくあつかい    たくあつかい 宅扱い home delivery


  • Medieval myths are currently being studied in the field of japanese literature , but rarely are they studied in the research field of mythology .
  • She is trained to use the kyoto dialect without regard to her origin , and consequently , maiko is often treated as if she is a symbol of kyoto .
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