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"あつめ"の例文"あつめ" 意味


  • あつめ
  • あつ     あつ 斡 go around rule administer
  • つめ     つめ 詰め stuffing packing keep doing for period of time (verbal suf) an end the
  •      め 芽 sprout 眼 目 eye eyeball
  • あつめる    あつめる 集める to collect to assemble
  • よせあつめ    よせあつめ 寄せ集め mish-mash miscellany medley odds and ends
  • かいあつめる    かいあつめる 買い集める to buy up
  • かきあつめる    かきあつめる 書き集める to collect (writings) 掻き集める かき集める to gather up to scrape up together
  • かりあつめる    かりあつめる 駆り集める to round up to mobilize 狩り集める to gather to muster 借り集める to borrow money to call for loans
  • きってあつめ    きってあつめ 切手集め stamp collecting
  • とりあつめる    とりあつめる 取り集める to gather to collect
  • はきあつめる    はきあつめる 掃き集める to sweep up together
  • めしあつめる    めしあつめる 召し集める to call together
  • よせあつめる    よせあつめる 寄せ集める to put together to gather to collect to scrape together
  • よびあつめる    よびあつめる 呼び集める to call together to convene
  • ひろいあつめる    ひろいあつめる 拾い集める to gather


  • Gathering the rains of summer , how swift it is - mogami-gawa river
    五月雨を あつめて早し 最上川(もがみがわ)
  • Gathering the rains of summer , how swift it is - mogami-gawa river
    五月雨を あつめて早し 最上川(もがみがわ)
  • He also gathered a lot of people to remove stones from the road in awata in 1016 .
  • This episode clearly shows the power of todai-ji temple , in which many people had faith regardless of rank , age , and sex .
  • Samidare wo/atsumete hayashi/mogami-gawa (gathering the rains of summer , how swift it is - mogami-gawa river ): oishida town , yamagata prefecture
    五月雨をあつめて早し最上川(さみだれを あつめてはやし もがみがわ):山形県大石田町
  • Samidare wo/atsumete hayashi/mogami-gawa (gathering the rains of summer , how swift it is - mogami-gawa river ): oishida town , yamagata prefecture
    五月雨をあつめて早し最上川(さみだれを あつめてはやし もがみがわ):山形県大石田町
  • Samidare wo/atsumete hayashi/mogami-gawa (gathering the rains of summer , how swift it is - mogami-gawa river ): oishida town , yamagata prefecture
    五月雨をあつめて早し最上川(さみだれを あつめてはやし もがみがわ):山形県大石田町
  • The ukiyo-e ruiko is basic material of the art history , collected biographies and backgrounds of ukiyo-e (japanese woodblock prints ) artists .
  • Entrance into these elementary schools was directly linked to moving onto imperial universities , including tokyo imperial university , and they became very popular .
  • It seemed to be a collection of poetry prior to the days of emperor monmu with descriptions of the poets and backgrounds of poems , and integrated poems with similar themes into categories .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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