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  • She's got too many toys. I have to get rid of some. Look, they don't even fit in the closet anymore.
  • あの     あの 彼の that over there
  • おも     おも 重 main principal important 主 chief main principal important 面 face
  • もち     もち 餅 sticky rice cake 黐 birdlime 勿 must not do not be not 持ち hold charge keep
  • ちゃ     ちゃ 茶 tea
  • すぎ     すぎ 杉 Japanese cedar 過ぎ past after
  • いく     いく to come to orgasm 幾 some several how many? how much? 畏懼 reverence awe fear
  • くつ     くつ 靴 shoes footwear 倔 stubborn
  • つか     つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
  • 処分     処分 しょぶん disposal dealing punishment
  • しな     しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • いと     いと 糸 thread yarn string 異図 treasonable intent 意図 intention aim design
  • もう     もう 蒙 ignorance already soon more again 罔 net
  • 押し     押し おし push pressure authority audacity
  • 入れ     入れ いれ container receptacle
  • にも     にも also too not... either as well even
  • おもち     おもち お餅 rice cakes pounded mochi rice
  • いくつ     いくつ 幾つ how many? how old?
  • しない     しない 竹刀 (bamboo) fencing stick 市内 (within a) city
  • おもちゃ     おもちゃ 玩具 toy
  • いくつか     いくつか 幾つか a few
  • 押し入れ     押し入れ おしいれ closet
  • 入らない     come up short《バスケ》〔シュートが〕
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