- You get a lot of medicine in the hospital, but I think, sometimes I get a little worried is they give too much medicine.
- あの あの 彼の that over there
- 病院 病院 びょういん hospital
- では では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
- はい はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
- いつ いつ 何時 when how soon 佚 be lost peace hide mistake beautiful in turn
- たく たく 卓 table desk high 焚く to burn to kindle to build a fire 宅 house home husband
- くさ くさ 草 grass
- さん さん Mr or Mrs 酸 acid 刪 cut down 賛 legend caption 三 three 讚 a style of Chinese
- らう らう 羅宇 Laos bamboo pipestem
- うけ うけ 受け receiving holder defense reputation agreement 有卦 streak of good luck
- けど けど but however
- これ これ 此れ 之 this
- すぎ すぎ 杉 Japanese cedar 過ぎ past after
- じゃ got to go / gotta go〔文頭の I've が省略された形◆ 【略】 g2g ; G2G〕
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- いか いか 医家 doctor 医科 medical science medical department 以下 less than up to below
- かと かと 御玉杓子 お玉杓子 蝌蚪 tadpole ladle musical note 過渡 crossing ferry changing old to
- 少し 少し すこし small quantity little few something little while short distance
- なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to be
- ある ある 或 或る a certain... some... 在る to live to be 有る to be to have
- いつも いつも 何時も always usually every time never (with neg. verb)
- もらう もらう 貰う to receive
- すぎる すぎる 過ぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- ないか ないか 内科 internist clinic internal medicine
- たくさん たくさん 沢山 many a lot much
- 多すぎる 多すぎる おおすぎる to be too numerous to be too much
- 気になる 気になる きになる to be on one's mind to worry one to feel uneasy to be anxious to