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"まとめ"の例文"まとめ" 意味"まとめ" 中国語の意味


  • まとめ
  • まと     まと 的 mark target
  • とめ     とめ 留め stopping remaining (e.g. poste-restante)
  •      め 芽 sprout 眼 目 eye eyeball
  • …にまとめる    1. bind ~ together into 2. pull together ~ into〔~を〕 ~にまとめる shape into
  • ひとまとめ    ひとまとめ 一纏 一纏め bundle pack bunch
  • まとめて    1. as a whole 2. in (the) gross 3. in a [one] lump 4. in a lot 5. in a lump sum 6. in a mass 7. in bulk 8. in clumps [clusters] 9. in toto〈ラテン語〉 10. on the block 11. pay in a lump
  • まとめやく    まとめやく 纏め役 mediator peacemaker troubleshooter manager
  • まとめる    まとめる 纏める to put in order to collect to bring to a conclusion
  • まとめる 1    1. collect up 2. get together 3. hold together 4. jack up 5. knit up 6. pull together 7. sum up 8. wrap up まとめる 2 【自他動】 finalize まとめる 3 【他動】 1. assemble 2. band 3. integrate 4. package 5. rall
  • まとめる〔話を〕     【他動】 summarize
  • まとめると    put it all together
  • まとめる力    organizational skills
  • まとめ売り    bundle sale〔複数の商品を一つにまとめて価格設定した安売りのこと〕
  • まとめ役 1    1. facilitator 2. fixer 3. mediator 4. organizer 5. troubleshooter 6. uniter まとめ役 2 consensus builder〔意見の〕
  • まとめ直す     【他動】 regroup


  • If we group all the people after y into y as well
  • And here's the summary of what i'm saying .
  • Ok , so i'd like you to take a little away from this .
  • From my tumor sizes into a spreadsheet .
  • I think they're only letting people with cleavage in .
  • But when we met , barack was a community organizer .
  • I will go all the baggage to the airport airport ?
    荷物をまとめて 空港へ行くぞ- 空港?
  • So it's like a thousand generations a second .
    1,000世代を 1秒にまとめたようなものです
  • And wrote about the experience of men in battle .
  • But looks like local pd has it under control .
    だから俺たちは荷物をまとめて さっさと帰るよ。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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