But you just have to go to a garden center 園芸用品店で袋に入れられて
There's plenty of other guys that work at garden supply stores . 園芸用品屋で働いてる男は 他にもたくさんいる
This from a man wearing a hat that says landscaping and gardening supplies . 彼のかぶってる帽子には こう書いてあるよ 「造園と園芸用品」
The demachi line of kyoto denki tetsudo (later kyoto city trams ) was once located in the area between the kamo-gawa river and kawaramachi-dori street , two bridges ahead from the aboveground station building , and many shops called ' taneya ' or ' naeya ,' selling agricultural and horticultural goods , stood on both sides on the wide street; however , many of these shops are no longer open . 地上駅舎前から橋を2本渡った先、賀茂川~河原町通はかつて京都電気鉄道(のち京都市電)出町線の終点があった所で、「種屋」「苗屋」と呼ばれる、農耕・園芸用品を扱う商店が広い道路の両側に並んでいたが、今は閉店している所が多い。