Can you shade some sunlight and effectively compensate for the added co2 太陽光線の入射を遮り 増加分のco2を効果的に相殺し
Can you shade some sunlight and effectively compensate for the added co2 太陽光線の入射を遮り 増加分のco2を効果的に相殺し
Can you shade some sunlight and effectively compensate for the added co2 太陽光線の入射を遮り 増加分のCO2を効果的に相殺し
Can you shade some sunlight and effectively compensate for the added co2 太陽光線の入射を遮り 増加分のCO2を効果的に相殺し
It was used as suiko honto (as mentioned above , the increased part of shozei becomes interest ). 出挙本稲としての利用(利息は上記のように正税の増加分となる)。
Furthermore , when kokumori was to be revised in a land survey , an increase in kokumori was called " kokumori-deme " and a decrease was called " kokumori-chigaibiki " ; the term used when upgrading a piece of land (e .g .: from a field to a rice paddy ) became called " kokuma-shukkoku " and downgrading (e .g .: from a rice paddy to a field ) became called " kokuma-biki ." なお、検地による石盛の修正があった場合、石盛の増加分を石盛出目(こくもりでめ)、減少分を石盛違引(こくもりちがいびき)と称し、土地の名目が上昇(畠→田)を石間出石(こくましゅっこく)、反対に下落(田→畠)を石間引(こくまびき)と称した。