尻を振る 1の英語
- 1. wiggle one's butt
2. wriggle one's hips 尻を振る 2
- 振る 振る ふる to wave to shake to swing to sprinkle to cast (actor) to allocate (work)
- る 1 like to play the fool when someone is with〔主語が人といるとばかにな〕 る 2 be not like
- 振る 1 give someone the cold shoulder〔 【語源】 客にヒツジの冷たい肩肉(cold shoulder)を出す様子から〕 振る 2
- 手を振る 1 wave one's hand 手を振る 2 wave to〔~に〕 手を振る 3 sketch a wave at [to]〔人に〕
- 采配を振る 1 1. boss the show 2. take charge 采配を振る 2 take command (of)〔~の〕
- サイコロを振る 1 shoot a dice サイコロを振る 2 【自動】 roll
- 勢力を振るう 1 wield (one's) power 勢力を振るう 2 wield influence (over)〔~に〕 勢力を振るう 3 make interest with〔人に〕
- 大なたを振るう 1 1. act cruelly 2. make a drastic cut 3. prune severely 4. slash severely 5. take great strides 大なたを振るう 2 【形】 meat-ax 大なたを振るう 3 1. demonstrate courage to 2. take draconian steps in〔~に〕
- 威力を振るう 1 1. exercise one's authority 2. exercise one's power 3. wield (one's) power 威力を振るう 2 hold sway over〔~に〕
- 手腕を振るう 1 1. exercise one's abilities 2. exercise one's skill 3. give full play [scope] to one's ability [talent] 手腕を振るう 2 1. exercise one's skill in 2. use one's skill in〔~に〕
- 支配力を振るう 1 【形】 wheel-and-deal 支配力を振るう 2 【自動】 dominate
- 暴力を振るう 1 conduct violence 暴力を振るう 2 【自他動】 bogart 暴力を振るう 3 【他動】 strong-arm〈米話〉 暴力を振るう 4 1. do violence (to) 2. force oneself on 3. go over 4. use violence (to)〔~に〕 暴力を振るう 5 1. employ force on 2. use fo
- 暴威を振るう 1 act tyrannically 暴威を振るう 2 【自他動】 domineer
- 権力を振るう 1 1. assert power 2. exercise one's authority 3. exercise one's power 4. exert one's authority 5. wield (one's) power 6. wield one's authority 権力を振るう 2 exert power (over)〔人に〕
- 毒舌を振るう 1 1. make blistering remarks 2. speak acrimoniously 3. spew venom 毒舌を振るう 2 【形】 vituperative 毒舌を振るう 3 give someone a tongue-lashing〔人に〕