- His apprehensions proved true .
- 彼の 彼の あの that over there
- 心配 心配 しんぱい worry concern anxiety care
- 現実 現実 げんじつ reality
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 事態が現実となった場合の仮定 what-if scenario
- 彼は現実と自分の誇大妄想による想像物とを識別できなかった He couldn't discern the real from his paranoid imaginings.
- 日常生活の現実となる become an everyday reality
- 私の心配は恐怖に変わったわ。私の後ろを歩いていた男は私の元主人で、銃を私につきつけていたの! My worry turned to terror. The guy walking behind me was my ex-husband, and he had a gun pointing at me!
- 私は現実に立ち返った。 The reality hit me.
- 入場無料ですからお金の心配はいりません You don't have to worry about money because admission is free.
- 飲み過ぎなければ、二日酔いの心配はないよ。 If you don't drink too much, you won't need to worry about a hangover.
- 彼の会社は倒産し、彼は無一文となった His company went bankrupt and he lost his shirt.
- 彼の母親の死は、大きな心の打撃となった Her mother's death came as a great blow.
- 血管の破裂が、彼の死因となった The rupture of a blood vessel was the cause of his death.
- 酒の飲み過ぎが、彼の破滅のもととなった Heavy drinking was the bane of his existence.