- hint one's desire to step down
- 辞任 辞任 じにん resignation
- 意向 意向 いこう intention idea inclination
- かす かす 貸す to lend 課す to impose 化す to change into to convert to to transform to be
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- めかす めかす v. dress oneself up be dressed up. ▲She got herself up in a new dress.
- 辞任の意向 motion to resign
- ほのめかす ほのめかす 仄めかす to hint at to intimate to suggest to allude to
- 意向をほのめかす drop hints of one's intentions
- 意向をほのめかす drop hints of one's intentions
- 危険をほのめかす hint at the dangers
- 同意をほのめかす imply consent
- 意中をほのめかす throw the handkerchief to〔~に〕
- 暗に~をほのめかす make an allusion to
- 答えをほのめかす hint at the answer
- 計画をほのめかす allude to the planning