(in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt 意味
- (in sumo) slipping one's hand beneath the opponent's arm and latching on to the underside of his belt
- slipping slipping 滑り すべり
- hand 1hand n. 手, 人手; 《文語》 役割; 筆跡; (約束 信義のしるしとしての)手, 婚約, 誓約; 確約; 時計(など)の針; 腕前, 仕方;
- beneath beneath 下 した
- arm 1arm n. (1) 腕; 腕に似たもの, 入江; 権力; 部門. 【動詞+】 He had his left arm amputated.
- latching {名} : 縄輪
- underside underside 下側 したがわ
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- belt 1belt n. ベルト, 帯; 地帯; 《口語》 飲酒. 【動詞+】 adjust a fan belt ファンベルトを調節する
- on to on to ?onto .
- get hold of the opponent's belt over his arm 上手回し{うわてまわし}を取る
- (sumo) knock an opponent over while holding his belt (sumo) knock an opponent over while holding his belt 寄り倒し よりたおし
- sumo winning technique where the opponent is lifted out by his belt sumo winning technique where the opponent is lifted out by his belt 吊り出し つりだし
- from beneath one's arm 腕の下から
- (in sumo) downing an opponent by grabbing his leg (in sumo) downing an opponent by grabbing his leg 足取り あしとり
- (sumo) holding opponent's belt while pushing from the ring (sumo) holding opponent's belt while pushing from the ring 寄り切り よりきり