-ism 意味
- -ism
- ism ISM {略-1} : in-store merchandising インストア?マーチャンダイジング、小売店の売り上げを上げるための研究 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : information systems manageme
- ability ism {名} :
- ability-ism {名} : 実力主義
- ism (qualifier) ISM (qualifier) ISM(修飾語)[電情]〈97C0161:EMCに関するIEV用語〉
- ism hierarchies ISM hierarchies ISM階層[電情]
- ism階層 ISM階層 interpretive structural modeling hierarchies[電情]; ISM hierarchies[電情]
- looks ism {名} :
- looks-ism {名} : 差別的外見主義◆企業が美人しか採用しないなど
- me ism
- me-ism me-ism ミーイズム
- non ism
- non-ism
- ultra-ism {名} :
- you-ism you-ism ユーイズム
- ism frequency band ISM frequency band ISM周波数帯[電情]〈97C0161:EMCに関するIEV用語〉
- Therefore , in europe in the latter half of the 19th century , the term of tao-ism was created for indicating both of the religions , and a french academic school , headed by henry maspero , went as far as to point to a causal relationship between the two religions .