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-like 意味



  • -like

  • and the like    and the like だの 等 とう など
  • as like as not    恐らく、たぶん
  • like     1like n. 好み. 【動詞+】 She knows all his likes and dislikes. 彼の好き嫌いをすべて知っている. 【形容詞 名詞+】 one's personal likes and dislikes 個人的な好悪. 【前置詞+】 one of my likes 私の好きなものの 1 つ. 【雑】 on
  • like as     lìke as O ((古))…と同じように.
  • like as not    
  • like it or not     líke it or nót ((略式))いや応なしに.
  • like of    ~のような人
  • like that    like that 左様 さよう そんな 然ういう そういう 佐様 さよう 然うして そうして
  • like this    like this 如是 にょぜ 此の様 このよう こんなに こんな 斯様 かよう
  • like to    ~したい、~するのが好きである Would you like to come? 《誘う》いらっしゃいませんか? What do you like to do? あなたはどんなことをやりたいの? What would you like to know? どのようなことをお尋ねですか?/何をお知りになりたいのですか?◆問い合わせなどに対して
  • not like to    ~することを潔し[快し]としない
  • or the like    または同種{どうしゅ}[同様{どうよう}]のもの
  • to be like    to be like 似付く につく 似合う にあう
  • to like    to like 好く すく 好き好む すきこのむ 好む このむ
  • `like father, like son'    `like father, like son' 蛙の子は蛙 かえるのこはかえる


  • then the conflicts in which persons of the tato fumyo class fought against zuryo ( ' gangster ' -like acts ) almost ceased , and instead , disputes and armed conflicts between manors and koryo (an imperial demesne ) began occurring frequently .
  • in addition , some people have a view that before the establishment of kiki (the kojiki and nihonshoki ), japan already had ' japanese kiden-tai ' -like format , combined with the two historical books such as " teiki " (imperial records ) and " kyuji " (mythical tradition ), which were written in the preface of ' kojiki .'
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