- be tied for runner-up
- 2位 1. deuce spot 2. proxime accessit 3. second-place finish
- 分け 分け わけ sharing division draw tie
- あう あう 会う to meet to interview 遇う to meet to encounter 遭う to meet to encounter
- う う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,
- 出費を分けあう stand in with〔~と〕
- 1位を分ける tie for first place
- 首位を分ける share the lead《競技》
- 多くの仲間と分けあう share ~ with many partners〔~を〕
- 同点で位を分ける tie for second place
- うけあう うけあう 請け合う to assure to guarantee to undertake 受け合う to take on a task and guarantee success
- かけあう かけあう 掛け合う to negotiate with to talk over with
- たすけあう たすけあう 助け合う to help each other to cooperate
- とけあう とけあう 溶け合う to melt together 解合う to come to a mutual understanding to cancel mutually
- わけあう わけあう 分け合う to share
- うけあう〔~することを〕 【自動】 bet