- She went into a deep depression after her second miscarriage.
- 度目 度目 density[化学]〈97確L0208:繊維用語―試験部門〉
- 目の 目の ocular[医生]
- 流産 流産 りゅうざん abortion abortive birth miscarriage
- 彼女 彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
- いう いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
- うつ うつ 打つ to hit to strike 伐つ to strike to attack to punish 撃つ to attack to defeat
- 状態 状態 じょうたい condition situation circumstances state
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 流産の 【形】 1. abortional 2. abortive
- ひどい ひどい 酷い 非道い cruel awful severe very bad serious terrible heavy violent
- うつ状態 1. be depressed state 2. state of depression
- ひどいうつ状態に陥る fall into a severe state of depression
- ひどいうつ状態になる go into a severe state of depression
- チームは、ひどいマンネリ状態に陥った The team was stuck in a terrible rut.
- 彼の死を知って、彼女は狂乱状態に陥った She went into a state of delirium after learning of his death.