November 2-3: honjo matsuri festival (honjo city ) 11月2~3日:本庄まつり(本庄市)
May 2-3: ome taisai festival (ome city ) 5月2~3日:青梅大祭(青梅市)
The larval fish that hatch from eggs in two to three days are called leptocephali . 卵から2~3日で孵化した仔魚はレプトケファルス(葉形幼生、Leptocephalus)と呼ばれる。
The chosa parades around the town for two or three days straight and the chosa of most residents ' associations begin to carry the chosa at 7 to 8 o ' clock on the morning of the hon matsuri (a regular festival ) day . 2~3日間練り歩き、ほとんどの自治会で本祭りの日には午前7~8時に動き始め、