- take a three-month maternity leave
- 月の 月の lunar[医生]
- 産休 産休 さんきゅう maternity leave
- 取る 取る とる to take to pick up to harvest to earn to choose
- る る 僂 bend over
- 3カ月 quarter
- _カ月の産休を取る take maternity leave for __ months
- 長期の産休を取る get extended maternity leave
- _年間の産休を取る get a __-year maternity leave
- _週間の産休を取る take a __-week maternity leave
- 出産前に_週間の産休を取る take __ weeks of maternity leave before childbirth
- 出産後に_週間の産休を取る take __ weeks of maternity leave after childbirth
- 産休を取った。 I took maternity leave.
- どのくらい産休を取る予定ですか? How long a maternity leave are you planning to take?
- 今週末に3連休を取る have a three-day weekend this week
- 年休を取る 年休を取る v. take an annual paid holiday [vacation]. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 年休)