In november , the winners of the east japan preliminary and the west japan preliminary play the best of three games for gaining the qualification of the challenge , and the winner becomes the challenger of the championship match of the meijin-sen . 11月に東日本予選・西日本予選の勝者が挑戦者決定戦の3番勝負を行い、勝者が名人位決定戦の挑戦者となる。
In november , the winners of the east japan preliminary and the west japan preliminary play the best of three games for gaining the qualification of the challenge , and the winner becomes the challenger of the championship match of the queen-sen . 11月に東日本予選・西日本予選の勝者が挑戦者決定戦の3番勝負を行い、勝者がクイーン位決定戦の挑戦者となる。
In january of the following year , the championship match of the queen-sen ( ' queen-i kettei-sen ' ) is held at omi-jingu shrine , and queen (the champion of the previous year ) and the challenger play the best of three games , and the winner becomes queen and the loser becomes jun-queen (semi-queen ). 翌年1月にクイーンと挑戦者でクイーン位決定戦の3番勝負を近江神宮で行い、勝者がクイーン、敗者は準クイーンとなる。