Well , you have to remember that tv was designed テレビは 対角線の8倍の長さだけ離れて
There are eight times more tractors in latin america アフリカに比べて ラテンアメリカには8倍の
And they eat about eight times as much tofu そしてアメリカ人の8倍の量の
Or you could pay eight times the going rate もしくは8倍の料金を払って
By this standard , the same karat as keicho-gin , which was 80% of the cupellated silver , was 1 .1x0 .800 .88 where it was bought by 0 .88 of the weighted value of chogin .. これを基準に慶長丁銀と同品位、すなわち80%の灰吹銀は1.1×0.800.88となり、0.88倍の量目の慶長丁銀で買い取られた。