a bowl (of rice) 意味
- a bowl (of rice)
- bowl 1bowl n. (ローンボウリングなどの)木球, ボール; ローンボウリング. 【動詞+】 Drake was playing bowls
- a bowl a bowl 鉢 はち
- a bowl of rice a bowl of rice 一飯 いっぱん
- bowl for rice 飯椀{めしわん}
- bowl of rice bowl of rice 丼飯 どんぶりめし
- rice bowl rice bowl 茶碗 茶わん ちゃわん
- beef-over-rice-bowl {名} : 牛丼{ぎゅうどん}
- bowl of eel and rice うなぎ丼
- bowl of eel and rice (domburi) bowl of eel and rice (domburi) 鰻丼 うなぎどんぶり
- bowl of rice and fried fish bowl of rice and fried fish 天丼 てんどん
- bowl of rice topped with beef 牛丼{ぎゅうどん}
- bowl of rice topped with sashimi 海鮮丼{かいせん どん}
- bowl of rice with food on top bowl of rice with food on top 丼 どんぶり
- bowl of rice with fried shrimp 天丼{てんどん}
- fill a bowl with rice 飯を盛る