a co-operative 意味
- a co-operative
- co operative conversation
- co-operative acquisition co-operative acquisition 協同収集[電情]〈00確X0705:ドキュメンテーション用語(文献及びデータの収集, 特定及び分析)〉
- co-operative cataloguing co-operative cataloguing 協力目録作業[基礎]
- co-operative conversation 協調的{きょうちょうてき}な会話{かいわ}
- co-operative industry co-operative industry 協業 きょうぎょう
- co-operative purchase co-operative purchase 共同仕入[機械]
- co-operative union co-operative union 協同組合[機械]
- consumers co-operative consumers co-operative 消費組合[機械]
- farmer's co-operative 農協、農業協同組合
- international co-operative alliance {組織} : 国際協同組合連盟◆【略】ICA
- norco co-operative ltd. {組織} : ノーコ◆New South Wales 州北西部。ミルク、バター、チーズ、アイスクリームなどの乳製品を製造。◆【URL】http://www.norco.com.au/
- producers' co-operative 生産者協同組合
- all japan veterinary co-operative {組織} : 全日本獣医師協同組合◆【略】JVC◆【URL】http://www.jvc.or.jp/
- consumer co-operative institute of japan {組織} : (財)生協総合研究所{せいきょう そうごう けんきゅう じょ}◆【略】CCIJ◆1989年設立。厚生労働省の所管。主婦会館プラザエフ内◆【URL】http://www.co-op.or.jp/ccij/
- health co-operative association of jccu {組織} : 日本生活協同組合連合会医療部会、医療生協◆【URL】http://www.jhca.coop/