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a cuckoo 意味

"a cuckoo"の例文


  • a cuckoo
  • cuckoo     cuckoo 郭公 かっこう 杜鵑 子規 時鳥 不如帰 蜀魂 霍公鳥 田鵑 沓手鳥 杜宇 ほととぎす
  • cuckoo    cuckoo 郭公 かっこう 杜鵑 子規 時鳥 不如帰 蜀魂 霍公鳥 田鵑 沓手鳥 杜宇 ほととぎす
  • cuckoo clock    cuckoo clock 鳩時計 はとどけい
  • cuckoo dove    《鳥》オナガバト
  • cuckoo falcon    《鳥》カッコウハヤブサ
  • cuckoo flower     cuckoo flòwer ?=lady's-smock .
  • cuckoo in the nest    愛の巣の侵入者{しんにゅうしゃ}
  • cuckoo spit    {名} :
  • cuckoo wasp    cuckoo wasp セイボウ[医生]
  • cuckoo's nest    精神{せいしん}(科)病院{びょういん}
  • cuckoo-pint     cúckoo-pìnt 【名】 【C】 〔植〕ヨーロッパアルム《サトイモ科》.
  • cuckoo-spit    {名} : アワフキムシ(の泡)
  • go cuckoo    〈俗〉頭がおかしくなる、気が狂う
  • little cuckoo    ホトトギス
  • oriental cuckoo    Oriental cuckoo 筒鳥 つつどり


  • an incy wincy pidgy , inside of it the doodoo of a cuckoo cat .
    なまけねこ ながめねこ ななめねこ
  • turn the horse ' s head towards the plain; pull there now ! a cuckoo ' s calling
  • turn the horse ' s head towards the plain; pull there now ! a cuckoo ' s calling
  • at that time , he composed a cuckoo poem using his pen name " shiki " for the first time .
  • a cuckoo has flown away before i can hear it sing twice; i would say , " wait " if it were a man .
  • it is said that , at that time , a cuckoo sang its song twice or thrice over the imperial palace and then silence was restored .
  • it is said that , at that time , a cuckoo sang its song twice or thrice over the imperial palace and then silence was restored .
  • an early summer rain ,but are they raindrops or my tears ?a cuckoo , pleasefly up into the sky and go above the clouds taking my name with you .
    五月雨は 露か涙か 不如帰 我が名をあげよ 雲の上まで
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