an incy wincy pidgy , inside of it the doodoo of a cuckoo cat . なまけねこ ながめねこ ななめねこ
turn the horse ' s head towards the plain; pull there now ! a cuckoo ' s calling 野を横に馬牽むけよほととぎす
turn the horse ' s head towards the plain; pull there now ! a cuckoo ' s calling 野を横に馬牽むけよほととぎす
at that time , he composed a cuckoo poem using his pen name " shiki " for the first time . この時子規はホトトギスの句を作り、はじめて子規の号を用いるようになった。
a cuckoo has flown away before i can hear it sing twice; i would say , " wait " if it were a man . 人ならばまててふべきをほとゝとぎすふたこゑとだにきかですぎぬる
it is said that , at that time , a cuckoo sang its song twice or thrice over the imperial palace and then silence was restored . その時宮廷の上空には、カッコウの鳴き声が二声三声聞こえ、静けさが戻ってきたという。
it is said that , at that time , a cuckoo sang its song twice or thrice over the imperial palace and then silence was restored . その時宮廷の上空には、カッコウの鳴き声が二声三声聞こえ、静けさが戻ってきたという。
an early summer rain ,but are they raindrops or my tears ?a cuckoo , pleasefly up into the sky and go above the clouds taking my name with you . 五月雨は 露か涙か 不如帰 我が名をあげよ 雲の上まで