heap 1heap n. (うず高い)山, かたまり; たくさん. 【動詞+】 throw a heap of papers onto sb's desk
heap 1heap n. (うず高い)山, かたまり; たくさん. 【動詞+】 throw a heap of papers onto sb's desk 書類の山を人の机の上に投げだす. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a compost heap 堆肥(たいひ)の山 the bottom of the economic heap もっとも貧しい人々 a r
and you , sir , are in a heap of trouble ! 君はとても困った人みたいだね -攻撃!
they collapse under their proud weight and slump into a heap of nothing . 誇らしい自重で崩れ、 無の塊に成り下がる
shit , a heap . dui , assault on an officer , resisting arrest . you want some more shit ? 飲酒運転 業務妨害 恐喝いろいろだ
shit , a heap . dui , assault on an officer , resisting arrest . you want some more shit ? 飲酒運転 業務妨害 恐喝いろいろだ
i passed out in a heap バッタリ倒れて
in a heap of sticks . 老人界ならね
known for their green onion ramen with a heap of green onions poured with boiling oil . 山盛りのネギに、熱した油をかけるネギラーメンで知られる。
and do you think your pathetic wall will do anything except fall like a heap of dry leaves in the face of ...? この哀れな壁が 枯葉のかたまりのように 崩れると思わないか
we need a heap of bloody bodies so when mob boss wallenquist looks over his charts of profits and losses . 山ほどの死体が━ ボスのウォーレンクイストに 損益の具合を見せつけ━
the square front is a variation of the projecting portion of the tomb that was covered with a heap of earth from the yayoi period . 前方部は、弥生憤丘墓の突出部が変化したもの。