a line (of mountains, islands, houses, etc.) 意味
- a line (of mountains, islands, houses, etc.)
- line 1line n. (1) 線; 境界線, (区別する)一線; 標準; 電話線; 戦線; 管, パイプ; しわ, (手相の)線; 赤道; 輪郭. 【動詞+】
- a line a line 一線 いっせん 一統 いっとう 一筋 ひとすき ひとすじ
- line of houses line of houses 門並み かどなみ
- later (in line or in turn etc.) later (in line or in turn etc.) 後口 あとくち
- to draw (plan, line, etc.) to draw (plan, line, etc.) 引く ひく
- islands islands 島嶼 とうしょ 島々 島島 島じま しまじま
- etc ETC {略-1} : electronic toll collection (system) ノンストップ自動料金支払いシステム、道路通行料自動徴収システム -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : Engineering Traini
- etc. etc. 等 とう など 雑用 ざつよう
- in the mountains 山中{さんちゅう}に
- mountains mountains 山嶽 さんがく 山岳 さんがく
- literary composition crammed with maxims, ancient episodes, legends, etc. (from the habit of otters to line a catch of fish on river bank) literary composition crammed with maxims, ancient episodes, legends, etc. (from the habit of otters to line a catch of fish on river bank) 獺祭 だっさい
- adjacent houses 隣り合った家
- all houses all houses 万戸 ばんこ
- as safe as houses (as) sáfe as hóuses ((英略式))まったく安全な.
- change houses with (人)と家を交換{こうかん}する