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a new edition 意味

"a new edition"の例文


  • a new edition
  • new     New Year n. 新年. 【動詞+】 celebrate the New Year 新年を祝う enter the New
  • edition     edition n. 版, 刊行; 刊本. 【動詞+】 bowdlerize an old edition 古い版の不穏な部分を削除する
  • new edition     新版{しんぱん}
  • new edition    新版{しんぱん}
  • bring out a new edition    新版{しんぱん}を出版{しゅっぱん}する
  • issue a new edition    改版する
  • new and revised (edition)    new and revised (edition) 増訂 ぞうてい
  • new and revised edition    new and revised edition 新訂版 しんていばん
  • prepare a new edition    新版{しんぱん}を作成{さくせい}する
  • publish a new edition    版を改める
  • superseded by new edition    《be ~》新版{しんぱん}に取って変わられる
  • edition     edition n. 版, 刊行; 刊本. 【動詞+】 bowdlerize an old edition 古い版の不穏な部分を削除する bring out a third edition of a book 書籍の第 3 版を発行する. It has just entered its seventh edition. それは第 7 版を出したところだ
  • abridged edition    縮約版{しゅくやくばん}、要約版{ようやく ばん}、簡易版{かんいばん}
  • added edition    別版
  • air edition    空輸版{くうゆばん}


  • good evening , and welcome to a new edition of window on events .
    こんばんわ. . "世界の窓"へようこそ
  • in the showa period when nationalism was promoted , a new edition of the book and an instruction manual were published and they were used to compliment the imperial rescript on education .
  • in the showa period when nationalism was promoted , a new edition of the book and an instruction manual were published and they were used to compliment the imperial rescript on education .
  • since then , the chain of solving an idai and presenting a new one in a new edition started (the succession of idai ), and as such , the mathematical problems in wasan became increasingly technical and complicated beyond practical needs .
  • the oshima clan of miyauchi-mura village , adachi-gun county (present-day miyauchi , kitamoto city ) was described in " shinpen fudoki " (literally , a new edition of records of the culture and geography of the province ) as follows: " there was a man called daizen-no-suke hisaie ."
  • the oshima clan of miyauchi-mura village , adachi-gun county (present-day miyauchi , kitamoto city ) was described in " shinpen fudoki " (literally , a new edition of records of the culture and geography of the province ) as follows: " there was a man called daizen-no-suke hisaie ."
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