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a poem 意味

"a poem"の例文


  • a poem
  • poem     poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文. 【動詞+】 compose a poem 詩を作る Many poems have
  • poem     poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文. 【動詞+】 compose a poem 詩を作る Many poems have been composed to Bacchus, the god of wine. 酒神バッカスに寄せた詩は多数ある declaim a poem 詩を誇張して朗読する learn a poem by heart
  • acrostic poem    アクロスティックの詩
  • allegorical poem    寓意詩{ぐうい し}
  • amatory poem    恋愛詩{れんあいし}
  • anonymous poem    作者不詳の詩
  • author of a poem    歌の読み手
  • bad poem    bad poem 腰折 こしおれ
  • ceremonial poem    儀式{ぎしき}の詩
  • chinese poem    Chinese poem 唐歌 からうた
  • cinematic poem    映画的詩{えいが てき し}
  • completed poem    completed poem 編 へん
  • compose a poem    詩を作る[詠む]
  • composition of a poem    composition of a poem 詩作 しさく
  • criticize a poem    詩を批評{ひひょう}する


  • when you get a poem on a billboard or on the radio
  • god , that is deep . are you gonna put that in a poem ?
    何と 深遠ネ 詩にでもする?
  • there is a poem on it in his wife ' s handwriting .
  • so , the nobleman tells joha to make a poem .
  • a poem of your own desire phrase it in the future .
    あなた自身の願望を詠んだ 未来の句だ。
  • i started with a poem , i'll end with one .
    詩でスピーチを始めたので 詩で終わろうと思います
  • he wrote a poem like the above , to express his feelings .
  • a poem written by hitsugi no miko (the crown prince )
  • i found a poem by the mexican poet octavio paz
    帰宅後に見つけた オクタビオ・パスの詩に
  • a poem for ishikawa no iratsume by prince kusakabe
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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