quiver 1quiver n. 震え. 【+前置詞】 There was a tear in his eye and a quiver in his
quiver 1quiver n. 震え. 【+前置詞】 There was a tear in his eye and a quiver in his voice as he told us about it. 彼がわれわれにそのことを語ったときは目に涙を浮かべその声は震えていた with a quiver of one's lips くちびるを震わせて. 2quive
in japan it is a design on haniwa , and a primitive man discovered in europe and called the iceman also had a quiver . 日本では埴輪に象られているが、ヨーロッパで発見された古代人類の通称アイスマンといわれる人も、矢筒を携帯していた。
later , kizai haniwa (a collective name for tool shaped clay figures , such as; a silk umbrella , a shield , a quiver , and armor ) figures and iegata haniwa (a house-shaped clay figure ) figures appeared in this historical period . その後、器財埴輪・家形埴輪が現れた。
later , kizai haniwa (a collective name for tool shaped clay figures , such as; a silk umbrella , a shield , a quiver , and armor ) figures and iegata haniwa (a house-shaped clay figure ) figures appeared in this historical period . その後、器財埴輪・家形埴輪が現れた。
the haniwa (unglazed terra-cotta cylinders and hollow sculptures arranged on and around the mounded tombs [kofun ]) for a quiver placed on the round part of the tumulus is 147cm in height and max . 99 .5cm in width . 後円部上に立てられた靫(ゆぎ)埴輪は高さ147cm、最大幅99.5cmある。
jinto-ya arrows , with their ends covered with the barrel-shaped wooden tips instead of arrowheads , are put into the belt and taken out in use (in original yabusame , kabura-ya arrows with arrowheads are put into a quiver .) 矢は、鏃のない神頭矢(先端に樽状の木を付けた矢)を帯に挟み、引き出して用いる(本来の流鏑馬では鏃の付いた鏑矢を箙に差して用いる)。
in russet colored court robes and wearing omodaka (feudal era armor ), a family treasure belonging to the kawachi-genji (minamoto clan ), he bore the usumidori (lit . light green ) long sword and shouldered a quiver of arrows with white swan feathers . 朽葉色の直垂に、河内源氏重代の澤潟(おもだか)の鎧を着て、薄緑の太刀を帯び、白鳥の羽の矢を負っていた。
the commander ' s dress would consist of: wearing lacquered or painted headgear , dressing in armor on top of ceremonial court robes , wearing yugake (a tool to draw a bow ), sayamaki (short sword ) and tachi (long sword ), his outer sash was tied with a headband , in the folds of which an white arrow of eagle tail-feather with black point in the middle collected from the battlefield was inserted , on his back he carried a quiver of arrows; amongst which a whip stick was placed (which was threaded ), wearing tsuranuki (footwear ), clasping a lacquered " shigeto " bow in the left hand and holding a folding fan in the right hand; a rug was placed on a folding stool , whereupon the commander sat on the white section of the fur . 大将の装束は、縁塗または梨地打烏帽子をかむり、鎧直垂の上に鎧を着し、弽(ゆがけ)を差し、鞘巻をいたし、太刀を佩き、上帯鉢巻を締め、きりふ中黒の征矢をさし、逆顔の箙を負い、鞭を箙に差し、頬貫を穿き、左手に重藤の弓をにぎり、右手に扇をもち、床机に敷皮をしかせて腰を掛け、白毛のところをふまえて着座する。