a set rate is a sum of money , always the same , that i give you each month . 決まった金額を渡すことさ 月に1回 渡そう
he granted miyazaki prefecture and kagoshima prefecture , both of which were severely damaged by typhoon no .14 in 2005 , a sum of money as a gift for showing his sympathy . 平成17年(2005年)の平成17年台風第14号で大きな被害を受けた宮崎県、鹿児島県に見舞い金として金一封を贈った。
he granted miyazaki prefecture and kagoshima prefecture , both of which were severely damaged by typhoon no .14 in 2005 , a sum of money as a gift for showing his sympathy . 平成17年(2005年)の平成17年台風第14号で大きな被害を受けた宮崎県、鹿児島県に見舞い金として金一封を贈った。
after the onin war , even consorts from the regent families tended to choose to remain in the nyogo rank , because it became difficult to put together a sum of money for the ceremonies that they had to have when they were promoted to chugu . 応仁の乱以後、中宮昇進のための儀式の捻出が困難になると、摂家出身の后妃といえども女御に留まる場合が多くなる。