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a superb view 意味

"a superb view"の例文


  • a superb view
  • superb     superb 心憎い こころにくい 究竟 くっきょう 尤なる ゆうなる 秀抜 しゅうばつ 素敵 すてき 上々 上上 上乗 じょうじょう
  • view     1view n. (1) 意見, 見解; 目的; 考察. 【動詞+】 abandon a view 意見を捨てる I do not
  • superb view     superb view 絶景 ぜっけい
  • superb view    superb view 絶景 ぜっけい
  • have a superb view of    ~のとびきりの[極上{ごくじょう}の]眺め[眺望{ちょうぼう}]を持つ
  • superb (view, landscape)    superb (view, landscape) 絶佳 ぜっか
  • superb    superb 心憎い こころにくい 究竟 くっきょう 尤なる ゆうなる 秀抜 しゅうばつ 素敵 すてき 上々 上上 上乗 じょうじょう
  • to be superb    to be superb 水際立つ みずぎわだつ
  • in superb shape    《be ~》絶好{ぜっこう}の状態{じょうたい}にある
  • simply superb    《be ~》実に[ただただ]素晴{すば}らしい
  • superb achievement    見事{みごと}な功績{こうせき}、卓越{たくえつ}した功績{こうせき}
  • superb article    superb article 逸物 いちぶつ
  • superb cook    素晴{すば}らしい料理人{りょうりにん}
  • superb crosspatches    {雑誌名} : スパーブ?クロスパッチズ
  • superb crosswords    {雑誌名} : スパーブ?クロスワーズ


  • on a spring evening , on the rooftop of nanzen-ji temple , goemon ishikawa , a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of japan , is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom , and says his famous line: " what a superb view , what a superb view; that man , saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit ), was a person of really small , small caliber; for this moment , i would spend ten thousand ryo , hundred million ryo " ( ' a moment of a spring evening ' refers to the famous phrase of a chinese poem " 春夜chunye " by 蘇軾su shi; in the original , it is ' one thousand gold ' 春宵一刻値千金 ).
  • on a spring evening , on the rooftop of nanzen-ji temple , goemon ishikawa , a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of japan , is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom , and says his famous line: " what a superb view , what a superb view; that man , saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit ), was a person of really small , small caliber; for this moment , i would spend ten thousand ryo , hundred million ryo " ( ' a moment of a spring evening ' refers to the famous phrase of a chinese poem " 春夜chunye " by 蘇軾su shi; in the original , it is ' one thousand gold ' 春宵一刻値千金 ).
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