in the train of {1} : ~の後に続いて、~に引き続いて -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~の結果{けっか}として
to have a through train to the kohoku area; 新快速を湖北に直通させる
in about 1992 (mainly on saturdays and holidays ) a through train to the sakurai line bound for tenri station ran once an hour by extending its regular rapid service . 1992年頃には土曜・休日を中心に桜井線への直通列車が定期快速を延長して天理駅まで1時間あたり1本運転されていた。
additionally , if one changes trains at fukuchiyama station without passing through its ticket gate , the limited express charge is exceptionally discounted as that of a through train . ちなみに、福知山駅で改札口を出ずに乗り換えると、特例により通しの特急料金で乗れる。
once the keihan keishin line was connected to the keihan main line and had a through train service , but they have been separated since the keihan main line was made underground and the keishin line was partly abolished as the tozai line of the kyoto municipal subway line opened . かつては京阪本線と接続され、直通列車もあったが、京阪本線の地下化と京都市営地下鉄東西線の開業に伴う京津線の部分廃止に伴い、現在は分断された形になった。
the number of trains gradually increased after jr ' s ownership of the kosei line , and a through train to fukui via tsuruga station and a train running toward the south from omi-shiotsu station to nagahama station and maibara station on the hokuriku line were established after the electrification . JRになってから徐々に本数は増え、電車化後は敦賀を越え福井方面へ直通する列車や、近江塩津から長浜・米原へ北陸線を南下する列車も設定された。