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  • Ordnance cleanup at Camp A may take years.
  • 兵器     兵器 へいき arms weapons ordinance
  • 貯蔵     貯蔵 ちょぞう storage preservation
  • 浄化     浄化 じょうか purification cleanup
  • 清掃     清掃 せいそう cleaning
  • 何年     何年 なんねん what year how many years
  • かか     かか 呵呵 sound of laughter
  • かる     かる 狩る to hunt 駆る to drive (car) to spur on to impel 刈る to cut (hair) to mow
  • るか     るか 路加 St Luke
  • かも     かも 鴨 wild duck easy mark sucker
  • もし     もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • 貯蔵所     貯蔵所 ちょぞうしょ a storage place
  • 何年も     1. for years 2. for years and years 3. in a coon's age / in a long time 4. in
  • かかる     かかる 係る to be the work of to concern to affect to involve 罹る to suffer from 懸かる
  • キャンプ     キャンプ camp
  • かもしれない     かもしれない かも知れない may might perhaps may be possibly
  • 兵器貯蔵所の浄化清掃     ordnance cleanup
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