abandon 意味
- 1abandon n. 放縦, 気まま, 奔放さ; 夢中なこと.【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】They were free to act with abandon and to experience life as it came. 勝手きままに行動し気の向くままに生きていく自由をもっていた.
2abandon v.
(1) 見捨てる, やめる.【副詞1】- carry subconscious anger at having been emotionally abandoned by one's mother
- The US has formally abandoned its Naval base at Subic Bay in the Philippines.
【+前置詞】- The old thatched cottages have been abandoned for ugly modern bungalows.
- People who have been abandoned or rejected in childhood tend to grow up lacking confidence.
【雑】(2) まかせる, 委ねる.【+前置詞】【+-self】- abandon oneself to daydreams
- carry subconscious anger at having been emotionally abandoned by one's mother
- abandon to {1} : (あきらめて?失望して)~に任せる、~に委ねる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (場所を)~に明け渡す、引き渡す
- in abandon 思い切り、思うままに
- to abandon to abandon 諦める あきらめる 見放す みはなす 握りつぶす 握り潰す にぎりつぶす 見切る みきる 放り出す ほうりだす 見離す みはなす 抛つ なげうつ 捨てる 棄てる すてる 見限る みかぎる 見捨てる みすてる 投げ出す なげだす 打ち捨てる うちすてる
- with abandon 思い切り、思うままに
- a l'abandon いい加減{かげん}に、気まぐれに、出たとこ勝負{しょうぶ}で
- abandon a baby 赤ん坊を捨てる
- abandon a bill 廃案にする
- abandon a body 死体{したい}を捨てる
- abandon a climb 登山{とざん}をやめる
- abandon a corpse abandon a corpse 死体遺棄 したいいき
- abandon a course 課程{かてい}を断念{だんねん}する
- abandon a fort 砦を放棄{ほうき}する
- abandon a fortress 要さいを放棄{ほうき}する
- abandon a friend 友人を見捨てる
- abandon a habit 習慣{しゅうかん}を捨てる
- you abandon ship at the smallest sign of a storm .
行け 船を遺棄しろ 些細な嵐の前兆でな - the jodoshu sect says: do you abandon it or not ?
浄土側重ねて曰く 捨てるか、捨てざるか。 - if you abandon your daughter it is the same as abuse .
これは育児放棄という虐待です。 - if you do this , the karstarks will abandon you .
もし殺せばカースタークはあなたを見捨てる - force him to abandon this scheme , whatever he's up to .
そんなことあきらめさせろ - if not , the people will abandon the chief
そうでないなら 人々が首長を見捨て 他のどこかへ行き - but what do we have left once we abandon the lie ?
しかし私達から嘘を取ったら何が残る? - what's the point to abandon them so that we can survive !
いいかげんにしてよね。 - i can not wait to abandon this funkeke ....
こんな フヌケじゃ 棄てるも止むなしって...。 - and abandon your home and your life as you know it .
- Noun
- the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; "she danced with abandon"
Synonyms: wantonness, unconstraint, - a feeling of extreme emotional intensity; "the wildness of his anger"
Synonyms: wildness, Verb - stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"
Synonyms: give up, - leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"
Synonyms: forsake, desolate, desert, - leave behind empty; move out of; "You must vacate your office by tonight"
Synonyms: vacate, empty, - give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead"
Synonyms: give up, - forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"