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abbacy 意味

名詞 複数形: abbacies   


  • {名} : abbot の職、大修道院長の職
  • abbacinare    {名} : 〈ラテン〉《法律》アッバシナレ◆開かれた目に熱い鉄片を押し付けて永久的に失明させるという、中世に実際に行われていた体刑の一つ
  • abba-dabba    {名} : くだらない[つまらない?取るに足りない]物[人]
  • abbadabba    {名} :
  • abba dabba    {名} :
  • abbado, claudio    {人名} : =
  • abba    {名} : アバ、師父{しふ}、父 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {人名} : アーバー◆女
  • abbai    {地名} : アバイ川
  • abb    {名} : 《繊維》アブ
  • abbas    {人名} : アッバス、アバス、アーバス◆アラブ。-AD653。モハメッドの叔父、およびカリフ caliph?アリ(Ali)、の叔父。メッカ Mecca の豪商。モハメッド、イスラム教に資金援助した。アバシド家(Abbasid, =アッバース家、AD749-1258のカリフを出した)は彼から始った。息子イブン?アバス Ibn Abbas はイスラム法の権威になった(ibn はアラビア語で息子の


  • on june 15 , 1946 , his father , tatsunyo retired and he succeeded to abbacy as the 21st hoshu .
  • he entered the buddhist priesthood as the hoshi (successor to an abbacy ) to the otani school of the shinshu sect .
  • on may 26 , 1841 , his oldest brother , kannyo , died and he was appointed hoshi (successor to the abbacy ) on january 21 , 1842 and changed his homyo to gonnyo .
  • because his two older brothers , sonnyo and kannyo , died early , he became the hoshi (a successor to an abbacy ), and when kyonyo died in 1614 , he succeeded as the 13th hoshu .
  • upon her engagement to kocho otani , the hoshi (successor to an abbacy ) to the family of court otani higashi hongan-ji temple , she moved to kyoto , and after graduating from kyoto prefectural first girls ' high school , she married into the otani family on may 3 , 1924 .
  • zen buddhism originally recruited widely under the jippo-jujisei system of succession to the abbacy in zen temples , but daitoku-ji temple was not involved in the system and this letter recognizes that only those monks who were followers of shuho myocho could be installed into the role of abbot .
  • first he assumed the post of head priest of kyogyo-ji temple in nara; however , he became hoshi (a successor to an abbacy ) to the 17th hoshu shinnyo (higashi hongan-ji temple ) who was the nephew to his grandfather , and when shinnyo died in 1744 , he succeeded the post of the 18th hoshu .
    はじめは奈良・教行寺の住職に就いたが、のちに祖父・一如の甥である第17代法主・真如 (東本願寺)の法嗣(法主後継者)となり、1744年(延享元年)、真如が逝去し、第18代法主を継承した。
  • there were many outstanding disciples called ' gazan niju-go tetsu ' (25 hoshi (a successor to an abbacy ) of gazan ), and he had taigen soshin , tsugen jakurei , mutan sokan , daitetsu soryo and jippo ryoshu open sub temples , with the five of them rotating as the chief priest of soji-ji temple .
  • soon after he was appointed as the fifth chief priest of ' hongan-ji temple ' in 1390 , he entrusted the practical running of the temple to his second son gyonyo who was his hoshi (successor to an abbacy ) in order to build and live in a soan (a hermitage built with a simple structure with a thatched roof ) in sugitani of ecchu province .
  • in 1981 , his father , kosho , who was the hoshi (successor to an abbacy ) to the otani school , shinshu sect and the chief priest of tokyo branch temple , tokyo hongan-ji temple , was forced to separate his temple from the otani school shinshu sect because of a conflict with the naikyoku (intra-ministerial bureau ), and was removed from the priesthood; thereby , koken succeeded as hoshi (successor of principle ).


  • the jurisdiction or office of an abbot

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