abbess , come quick , it's the bailey girl . すぐ来て 女の子が...
thank you . thank you , abbess . thank you . ありがとう アベス
thank you . thank you , abbess . thank you . ありがとう アベス
abbess saysoe a gift of great honor . アベス様が名誉な事だと
your augurin' come true , abbess . 予言は正しかった
your augurin' come true , abbess . 予言は正しかった
i know abbess teach you sonmi was a miracle , birthed o' darwin god o' smart , but ain't the truetrue . 神から生まれたと でも真実じゃない
now kin n' bros n' halfstrangers , yay , even the abbess , they all come knockin' , they gaped in wonderment like sonmi herself was sittin' in our kitchen . 親類に見知らぬ人 アベスまでが― 女神ソンミが居るかのように ここに集まっていた
according to temple legend , it was established in the year 594 by prince shotoku to pray for the soul of his late father , emperor yomei and the first abbess is said to have been the prince ' s wet nurse , tamateru-hime (ezen-ni ). 寺伝では推古天皇2年(594年)、聖徳太子が父用明天皇の菩提のため開創したとされ、太子の乳母玉照姫(恵善尼)が初代住職であるという。
after the death of sugen-in (another name for iemitsu ' s mother eyo ), kasuga no tsubone exerted herself to the utmost to find consorts for him , convincing a succession of women including eikoin , the abbess of keiko-in temple in ise province , as well as hojuin and junshoin , to enter the o-oku . 崇源院の死後は家光の側室探しに尽力し、伊勢国慶光院の院主であった永光院や、宝樹院、順性院などの女性たちを次々と奥入りさせた。