abdication (responsibility, right) 意味
- abdication (responsibility, right)
- abdication abdication n. 退位; 放棄. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a complete abdication of responsibility
- abdication of responsibility 責任放棄{せきにん ほうき}
- complete abdication of responsibility 責任{せきにん}の完全{かんぜん}な放棄{ほうき}
- abdication abdication n. 退位; 放棄. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a complete abdication of responsibility 責任の完全な放棄 King Edward's abdication エドワード王の退位 (a) shameful abdication of one's duties 恥ずべき義務の放棄. 【+前置詞】
- abdication of the emperor 皇帝{こうてい}の退位{たいい}
- abdication of the king 王の退位{たいい}
- abdication of the throne 王位{おうい}を退くこと
- abdication from the throne 王位{おうい}の放棄{ほうき}
- abdication of one's rights 権利{けんり}の放棄{ほうき}
- proclamation of the king's abdication 王退位{おう たいい}の公式宣言{こうしき せんげん}
- no responsibility 責任{せきにん}なし
- responsibility responsibility n. 責任, 責務, 職責; 負担. 【動詞+】 We can't abandon our responsibilities. 責任を放棄するわけにはいかない I cannot accept (the) responsibility for…. …の責任を引き受けることはできない administer effectively
- responsibility for ~に対する責任{せきにん}、~の責任{せきにん}
- with no responsibility 責任{せきにん}を持たずに
- as of right 〈古〉