ability to think in three dimensions 意味
- 三次元{さんじげん}で物を考える能力{のうりょく}
- ability ability n. 能力, 技量, 手腕, 才能. 【動詞+】 admire sb's ability 人の能力を称賛する The
- think 1think n. 考えること, 考え. 【動詞+】 You needn't decide now. Go home and have a
- three three n. 3, 3 個. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the Big Three of modern French literature
- dimensions dimensions 大きさ おおきさ
- ability to 《someone's ~》~する(人)の能力{のうりょく}
- to think to think 思う 想う おもう
- think in {名} :
- in three 三拍子{さんびょうし}で
- three dimensions three dimensions 三次元 さんじげん
- ability to think ability to think 思考力 しこうりょく
- three dimensions three dimensions 三次元 さんじげん
- figure in three dimensions 立体{りったい}の像
- imagine the image in three dimensions 立体的{りったいてき}にイメージを頭に描く
- vary in three dimensions 三次元{さんじげん}で変化{へんか}する
- ability to think ability to think 思考力 しこうりょく