able bodied seaman 意味
- <→ABLE-BODIED seaman>
- able able adj. (1) …することのできる. 【副詞】 He is amazingly able to cope with difficult
- bodied -bod? ied adj. [-bɑdid] 【連結形】 …な体[本体,味わい]を持った
- seaman seaman n. 水兵, 海員. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an able(-bodied) seaman 〔海事〕 熟練船員, A. B.
- able bodied {形} :
- able-bodied seaman 適格船員{てきかく せんいん}、高級船員{こうきゅうせんいん}◆【同】able seaman
- able seaman ベテラン船員{せんいん}、熟練海員{じゅくれん かいいん}、熟練船員{じゅくれん せんいん}、上等水兵{じょうとう すいへい}、甲板手{こうはんしゅ}
- able bodied {形} :
- able-bodied able-bodied 強壮 きょうそう 頑健 がんけん
- able bodied beggar
- able bodied person
- able bodied poor
- able-bodied beggar 体の強健{きょうけん}なこじき
- able-bodied person 健常者{けんじょうしゃ}
- able-bodied poor 健康体貧困者{けんこうたい ひんこんしゃ}
- seaman seaman n. 水兵, 海員. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an able(-bodied) seaman 〔海事〕 熟練船員, A. B. 級の船員; 〔英海軍〕 二等水兵 All seamen aboard the ship were ordered on deck. その船の船員全員に甲板に出るよう命令があった a bronzed seaman 日焼
- now he has sworn to me that he is a first class , able bodied seaman , capable of earning passage if only given a chance .
船乗りの経験があるので 役に立つかと - now he has sworn to me that he is a first class , able bodied seaman , capable of earning passage if only given a chance .
船乗りの経験があるので 役に立つかと