abstention 意味
- abstention n. 節制; (投票での)棄権.【動詞+】
- My followers urged abstention, but I thought it my duty to vote.
私の支持者たちは棄権を促したが, 私は投票するのが自分の義務だと考えた.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- The number of abstentions in yesterday's election was the highest in memory.
- Abstention of an increasing number of young people from exercising their vote is causing concern.
投票権の行使を控える若者の数が増加し, 憂慮の元となっている
- The party opted for abstention on the vote.
- My followers urged abstention, but I thought it my duty to vote.
- abstention doctrine 不審理{ふ しんり}の原則{げんそく}
- abstention line 抑止{よくし}ライン
- abstention principle 抑止原則{よくし げんそく}
- abstention rate 棄権率{きけん りつ}
- period of abstention 物忌み{ものいみ}
- therapeutic abstention 治療回避{ちりょう かいひ}
- abstention from drink 禁酒{きんしゅ}
- abstention from voting 棄権{きけん}
- mark by record high abstention at the polls 投票{とうひょう}の棄権率{きけん りつ}が記録的{きろくてき}に高い
- low voter turnout due to the abstention of non-partisan voters 無党派層{むとうは そう}の棄権{きけん}による低投票率{てい とうひょう りつ}
- abstemiousness abstemious?ness n. 【名】
- abstemiously abstemious?ly adv. 【副】
- abstemious use of cigarettes 節煙{せつえん}
- abstemious meal 粗食{そしょく}
- abstention from vices such as drinking and smoking 飲酒と喫煙などの悪習を断つこと
- abstemious life 節制生活{せっせい せいかつ}
- we have one abstention so far .
今のところ棄権が一票だ - then despite our abstention , to reach a twothirds majority , we remain twenty yeses short .
棄権を計算に入れたとして あと20票足りない - we need two yeses , three abstentions , or four yeses and one more abstention , and the amendment will pass .
2票の賛成票と3人の欠席か 4票の賛成票とそれ以上の欠席で可決だ - on the following day , genji has a relationship with utsusemi (lady of the cicada shell ), a wife of iyo no suke (iyo deputy ), at her residence which he has visited for ritual abstention .
翌日、物忌みに出向いた邸で、源氏は伊予介の妻空蝉 (源氏物語)と関係を持つ。 - if two or three referees show a yuko-datotsu , or if one referee shows a yuko-datotsu and the other two show their abstention from the decision , then one ippon is taken .
2人以上が有効打突の表示をした場合、もしくは1人の審判員が有効打突を表示し2人が判定の棄権を表示した場合、一本となる。 - in march 1950 , a referendum was carried out in the nishi-maizuru region resulting in 7 ,046 votes for , 6 ,070 against , 4 ,483 abstention votes , resulting in its ratification .
1950年(昭和25年)3月には西舞鶴地区にて住民投票が行われ、賛成7,046票、反対6,070票、棄権4,483票と賛成多数で舞鶴市をふたたび東西に分割する案が決議された。 - actors engage in monoimi (purification through fasting and abstention ) called bekka (literally , " separate fire ," during which they cook with sacred fire , avoiding unclean fire used by others , particularly women ) for a period of time .
役者は一定の期間別火(べっか)という物忌みを行う(特に女性と同じ火を使うことを忌む)。 - in 721 , raising horses was regulated according to rank by stating that ' exercising abstention and moderation and prohibiting luxury are the first things for governance and the way how a king keeps his strong authority .'
養老5年(721年)に「節を制し度を謹しみ、奢侈を禁防するは、政を為すに先とする所にして百王不易の道なり」と唱えて位階に応じて蓄馬を規制した。 - there is a temporary nyonin kinsei which considers particular period related with women ' s menses as a period of abstention , while there is a permanent nyonin kinsei which constantly prohibits women ' s entering in distinction from men .
女性の月経に関係する特定の期間を忌みとする一時的な女人禁制と、女性を男性と区別して恒常的に立入りを禁ずる永続的な女人禁制がある。 - as part of training , ascetic monks observed abstention from the five main cereals or all grains but since this requirement did not apply to buckwheat and since buckwheat berries and buckwheat flour could be eaten uncooked , these items were regularly food for those trainee monks .
- もっと例文: 1 2
- Noun
- the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
Synonyms: abstinence,