if that seems like some strange , abstruse thing それが奇妙でピンとこないようであれば
if that seems like some strange , abstruse thing それが奇妙でピンとこないようであれば
concentrating solely on believing abstruse doctrines . 難解な教えを信じることばかりやってきたのです
religious leaders come together , they're arguing about abstruse doctrines たいていの場合 難解な教義についての議論や
events that led to the reforming of the buddhist faith--which up through the heian period had remained very abstruse , comprehensible only to a select few , and for which any proselytizing activities towards the masses were prohibited--included the rise to prominence of the kamakura sect of buddhism as well as new progress in efforts to reform nara (i .e ., old-guard ) buddhism . 平安時代までの難解で、大衆への布教が禁じられていた仏教を変革する運動として鎌倉仏教の宗派が興隆し、奈良仏教(旧仏教)の革新運動がすすんだ。
fukuzawa also encouraged to acquire certain skills that could be practically used in everyday life , such as reading and writing , calculation , fundamental ethics , rather than learning chinese and classics that had long been encouraged to learn but were rather abstruse and unpractical , and were good and appropriate only for confucian or neo-confucian scholars , while fukuzawa never denied the value of those classics , just implying that they were good , but were not the subjects you really had to study diligently . 更に漢文・古文などを「よきものではあるがそこまでして勉強するものではない」(意訳)として、その意義を否定こそしないが、世間で扱われている程の価値があるものではない、と言って儒学者や朱子学者が言う様な難しい字句のある漢文や古文を学ぶより、まず日常的に利用価値のある、読み書き、計算、基本的な道徳などの「実学」を身につけるべきだと書かれている。
difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; "the professor''s lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them"; "a deep metaphysical theory"; "some recondite problem in historiography" Synonyms: deep, recondite,