abundant illustrations 意味
- 豊富{ほうふ}な挿絵{さしえ}
- abundant abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east
- abundant abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east coast of North America. それは北米の東海岸にきわめて多い enormously abundant 限りなく多い Supplies are fairly abundant. 供給はかなり豊富
- abundant in 《be ~》~が豊かな、~に富んでいる Australia is abundant in natural resources. オーストラリアは天然資源が豊富だ。
- book with illustrations イラスト入りの本
- diary with illustrations diary with illustrations 絵日記 えにっき
- list of illustrations list of illustrations 図表一覧[電情]〈00確X0702:ドキュメンテーション用語(文献)〉
- photographic illustrations 写真{しゃしん}のイラスト
- story with illustrations 挿絵{さしえ}入りの小説
- textbook with illustrations イラスト入りの教科書{きょうかしょ}
- biennale of illustrations bratislava ブラチスラバ世界絵本原画展◆【略】BIB
- book loaded with illustrations イラストのたくさん入った本
- book with a wealth of illustrations 挿絵{さしえ}の豊富な本
- draw illustrations for a book 本のイラストを描く
- illustrations for the latest models 最新型{さいしんがた}モデルの図入り説明書{ずいり せつめいしょ}
- abundant as stars
- it was especially owing to the setsuyoshu during the late edo period which contained more abundant illustrations and appendixes that the word ' setsuyoshu ' became a common noun .
特に江戸時代後期の挿絵・付録の増加した節用集の影響で、「節用集」という語が一般名詞化した。 - as a man of literature , kazan produced travel writings and essays including " zengakudo hiroku " and " nikko kiko " ; his writings , like his abundant illustrations , vividly depict the scenes of his travels and serve as important materials to depict the culture , local manners and customs .