《be ~》~が豊かな、~に富んでいる Australia is abundant in natural resources. オーストラリアは天然資源が豊富だ。
abundant abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east
abundant abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east coast of North America. それは北米の東海岸にきわめて多い enormously abundant 限りなく多い Supplies are fairly abundant. 供給はかなり豊富
it's abundant in quantity before the present day 古代の歯石も豊富にあり
life is abundant in those lakes この湖には生命が豊富ですが
for example , these tuna that were once so abundant in the north sea 例えば こういうマグロは北海ではかつて豊富だったのに
natto is also abundant in dietary fiber; in fact , 100 grams of natto will contain 4 .9 to 7 .6 grams of fiber . 食物繊維は100グラム中に4.9~7.6グラムと豊富に含まれる。
it produced a large quantity of gold , so that palaces and private houses were made in gold , being abundant in treasure . 莫大な金を産出し、宮殿や民家は黄金でできているなど、財宝に溢れている。
it is abundant in groundwater in this area and is famous for suntory yamazaki distillery on the osaka prefectural side of the south foot . また、当地は、豊富な地下水に恵まれており、南麓の大阪府側にサントリー山崎蒸留所が所在することでも有名。
before the development of transport systems , noborigama was constructed near to where the ware would be sold or in places abundant in the raw materials of clay , fuel and water . 交通が発達するまでは、消費地に近い、製品の原料となる粘土、燃料、水が豊富な場所が立地に選ばれた。
during the edo period , there was a vogue phrase that lists things that were abundant in edo (the old name of tokyo ); fires , quarrels , iseya (the name of shops ), inari , and dogs ' droppings . 江戸時代には、江戸に多い物として「火災 喧嘩 伊勢屋 稲荷にイヌの糞」というはやり言葉があったほどである。
by looking at the geographical features of wakasa province , the coast line was the ria coast and highly indented , and it was abundant in marine products because of the influence of tsushima current . 若狭国の地理的特長を見ると、海岸線はリアス式海岸で複雑に入り組んでおり、対馬海流の影響で海産物に恵まれている。
besides , being abundant in deep mountains , kumano , in which a mountain religion has been developed , has been a dojo of shugendo (japanese ascetic and shamanistic practice in mountainous sites ) of kumano gongen deity , which is a syncretized religion of shinto with buddhism (in this case , above-mentioned pure land buddhism ). また熊野は深山も多く山岳信仰が発達し、前述の仏教浄土も結びついた神仏習合・熊野権現の修験道道場となる。