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abundant in 意味

"abundant in"の例文


  • 《be ~》~が豊かな、~に富んでいる
    Australia is abundant in natural resources. オーストラリアは天然資源が豊富だ。
  • abundant     abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east
  • abundant     abundant adj. たくさんの, 豊富な. 【副詞】 They are extremely abundant on the east coast of North America. それは北米の東海岸にきわめて多い enormously abundant 限りなく多い Supplies are fairly abundant. 供給はかなり豊富
  • abundant as stars    
  • abundant cleavage    大きな胸の谷間{たにま}
  • abundant crop    abundant crop 豊穣 ほうじょう
  • abundant experience    豊富{ほうふ}な経験{けいけん}
  • abundant hair    豊かな髪
  • abundant harvest    abundant harvest 豊熟 ほうじゅく 豊作 ほうさく
  • abundant health    はちきれんばかりの健康{けんこう}
  • abundant illustrations    豊富{ほうふ}な挿絵{さしえ}
  • abundant in minerals    《be ~》鉱物{こうぶつ}が豊富{ほうふ}にある
  • abundant individuality    豊かな個性{こせい}
  • abundant knowledge on    ~に関する豊かな知識{ちしき}
  • abundant land    資源{しげん}の豊かな土地{とち}
  • abundant leafage    abundant leafage 樹海 じゅかい


  • it's abundant in quantity before the present day
  • life is abundant in those lakes
  • for example , these tuna that were once so abundant in the north sea
    例えば こういうマグロは北海ではかつて豊富だったのに
  • natto is also abundant in dietary fiber; in fact , 100 grams of natto will contain 4 .9 to 7 .6 grams of fiber .
  • it produced a large quantity of gold , so that palaces and private houses were made in gold , being abundant in treasure .
  • it is abundant in groundwater in this area and is famous for suntory yamazaki distillery on the osaka prefectural side of the south foot .
  • before the development of transport systems , noborigama was constructed near to where the ware would be sold or in places abundant in the raw materials of clay , fuel and water .
  • during the edo period , there was a vogue phrase that lists things that were abundant in edo (the old name of tokyo ); fires , quarrels , iseya (the name of shops ), inari , and dogs ' droppings .
    江戸時代には、江戸に多い物として「火災 喧嘩 伊勢屋 稲荷にイヌの糞」というはやり言葉があったほどである。
  • by looking at the geographical features of wakasa province , the coast line was the ria coast and highly indented , and it was abundant in marine products because of the influence of tsushima current .
  • besides , being abundant in deep mountains , kumano , in which a mountain religion has been developed , has been a dojo of shugendo (japanese ascetic and shamanistic practice in mountainous sites ) of kumano gongen deity , which is a syncretized religion of shinto with buddhism (in this case , above-mentioned pure land buddhism ).
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