abuse someone to his face 意味
- 面罵する
- abuse 1abuse n. (1) 弊害, 悪弊, 悪習. 【動詞+】 The new Administration is determined to
- someone someone 一角の人物 ひとかどのじんぶつ 某 それがし 何者か なにものか 誰か だれか
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- face 1face n. 顔, 顔つき; 面; 表面; 局面, 形勢; 面目; 面前. 【動詞+】 avert one's face 顔をそむける
- accuse someone to his face (人)を面と向かって非難する
- insult someone to his face 面と向かって[公然{こうぜん}と](人)を侮辱{ぶじょく}する She insulted me to my face at family gatherings. 家族の集まりで彼女は面と向かって私を侮辱しました。
- praise someone to his face (人)を本人{ほんにん}の前で褒める
- reprove someone to his face (人)を面責する
- slap someone in his face (人)の顔をピシャリとたたく、横っ面を張る、侮辱する
- slap someone in his face with (人)の顔に~をたたきつけてやる
- abusing someone to his (her) face abusing someone to his (her) face 面罵 めんば
- allow someone to save his face (人)の顔を立てる
- judge someone's character by his face 人相を見る
- make someone lose his face の面目{めんもく}をつぶす
- read someone's character by his face 人相を見る